Executive Board Committees*
An auditing committee of three members (not including the treasurer) is created to examine the financial accounts and certify whether the treasurer's report based upon them is correct.
Class Size/Parity
"A committee composed of two members appointed by the Superintendent and two members appointed by the Union President will advise the Superintendent on parity and counselor caseload problems and possible resolutions to the problem. The committee will meet on or after September 30 to review first semester enrollment figures, and 30 school days after the beginning of the second semester to review second semester enrollment figures.
If the committee determines that a department exceeds parity, a solution to remedy the overage will be determined and executed by administration."
Curriculum Project ("Quality Control")
"A quality control committee will screen all projects to determine whether the projects are of high quality.
The quality control committee will be composed of two (2) members selected by the Union President and two (2) members selected by the Superintendent. Checks for the curriculum work will be issued after receiving approval by the quality control committee.
If there is disagreement, two (2) members of the quality control committee must agree that the curriculum work is satisfactory for checks to be released."
"A District Discipline Committee shall be composed of all District Deans and two teachers from each school appointed by the Union’s Executive Board who review the Student Code of Conduct annually. The proposed changes, if any, will be presented to the Board for their approval."
The elected Negotiation-Grievance-Discipline Trustees and Grievance-Discipline Trustees shall form the Discipline Committee.
Committee shall meet no less than one time annually to assess and review the effectiveness of the District’s Evaluation Plan and to review feedback from teachers and administrators.
Any revision to the “Teacher Evaluation System” will be negotiated through the Professional Issues Committee.
The Leyden Council Constitution stipulates the creation of a Grievance Committee. The Grievance Committee represents faculty and support staff members in grievance proceedings with the administration, Board of Education, and/or in arbitration as specified in the Board/Union Contract. Contact an Executive Board Member if you believe you have an issue that may constitute a grievance.
There is one Grievance Committee for each building. The Committee is composed of the building Vice-President (either PSRP or faculty depending upon the nature of the grievance) and the elected Grievance Trustees.
"The Insurance Committee including two teachers annually appointed by the Union and two administrators annually appointed by the Board and a maximum of two staff members from each of the other affected employee groups, shall meet twice annually or as needed to review the District’s insurance program and make recommendations to the Board. All recommendations presented to the Board will include information related to the opinion of each committee member.
The Union President or his/her designee shall be provided with all relevant and non-confidential information from the District and/or the District’s Healthcare consultant necessary for the operation of the Insurance Committee."
Layoff & Recall / Teacher Retraining
"At the request of the Union President to the Superintendent, the Union and the Administration shall meet at least once each year to discuss the prospects for a reduction in force of teachers. The reduction in force and recall of teachers by the Board shall be governed by the provisions of Illinois Law, including Section 24-12(b), as amended from time to time, by the applicable agreements of the District’s Joint Committee on Layoff and Recall..."
The first meeting must occur on or before Dec 1. Any agreement must be reached by Feb 1 to be valid for that school year.
"At the request of the Union President to the Superintendent, the Union and the Administration shall meet at least once each year to discuss the prospects for a reduction in force of tenured teachers and to identify opportunities for tenured teachers to retrain to avoid the reduction in force. Tenured teachers so identified, who would be dismissed in a reduction in force, may pursue an opportunity to retrain for positions that are open. A committee consisting of two administrators and the two Union representatives appointed by the Superintendent and Union President, respectively, will work to determine the teachers to be retrained in light of potential staffing needs."
Leave of Absense
"Requests for leaves will be presented to a screening committee composed of two (2) members appointed by the Superintendent and two (2) members appointed by the Union President. Requests for leaves will be forwarded by the committee to the Board with a “recommended” or “not recommended” motion affixed to them. “Recommended” will mean that at least two (2) members of the committee support the application."
The Leyden Council Constitution stipulates the creation of a Negotiations Committee. The Negotiations Committee represents faculty and support staff members in negotiating the Board/Union Contract. The size of the Negotiations team has, in recent history, been minimally 5 people representing each side, the Board and Union. Upon agreement with the Board at each specific negotiations, representation has been expanded to seven people. Ultimately, the number of negotiators representing each side at the negotiations table is mutually agreed upon at the beginning of the negotiations period irrespective of the language of the Leyden Council Constitution.
Members of the Negotiations Committee are the President, the Vice-Presidents (2) whose responsibilities on Executive Board correspond with the contract being negotiated, and the Grievance-Discipline Negotiations Executive Board members (2). The Grievance-Discipline Negotiations members are elected every three years by the membership. The Executive Board may appoint sixth and seventh members to the Negotiations Committee for faculty negotiations by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board members present at the meeting at which the nomination is made. The Executive Board may appoint fourth and fifth members to the Negotiations Committee for PSRP negotiations by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board members present at the meeting at which the nomination is made.
The Negotiations Committee for both the faculty and support staff is the official representative of the Leyden Council in the collective bargaining process. The members of these committees are responsible for the research, development, and preparation of the proposals made during the negotiations process.
Nominating Committee
The president or the Executive Board shall select a nominating committee during April of each school year. The nominating committee shall prepare a ballot of candidates for the officers to be elected in the month of May.
This committee has historically been made up of the four Vice Presidents.
Professional Issues Committee (PIC)
"A Professional Issues Committee shall be composed of the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee, two (2) Principals, the Union President, and two (2) Union Vice Presidents. This committee will consider proposals for any change in working conditions which is covered by this Agreement and any proposed pilot program."
Sabbatical Leave
"A Sabbatical Leave Committee composed of the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, the Principal of the school where the applicant is teaching, and one teacher from each school elected by the Leyden Council Executive Board of the AFT, shall make recommendations on applications to the Board.
Any teacher requesting Sabbatical Leave shall submit an application to the Assistant Superintendent on/or prior to the January 1 immediately preceding the school year of the Sabbatical Leave. The applicant will meet with the Sabbatical Leave Committee on/or before January 15 to present written and verbal evidence of reasons for requesting the Sabbatical Leave. The committee in turn, will consider all cases and make recommendations to the Board of Education."
Safety Committee
"At least once annually, and upon the request of either party, the Union President or designee and the Superintendent shall confer regarding the District’s emergency and crisis response plans. At least two teachers from each school shall be given the opportunity to serve on any committee in which student and staff safety is addressed. The District will provide annual training to teachers on the emergency and crisis response plans."
Four members of the exec board will serve on the scholarship selection committee (2 will review East applicants, and 2 will review West applicants).
Committee members will review applications of students who do not attend the campus to which they are assigned.
Committee members will judge and rank the applications based on the defined criteria.
After individually reviewing and ranking the applications, the committee members who reviewed the same essays will come to a consensus.
Recommendations for the scholarship winner will be submitted to the Union President.
The Union President then provides students with a letter with instructions regarding how to receive the scholarship funds.
Sick Day Pool
The contract affords the Council the opportunity to maintain a sick day pool for faculty and paraprofessional staff. Union staff members are asked to donate one sick day to the pool upon hiring. At a future date, union members can apply to access sick days from the pool in an extreme health emergency that results in the member having to expend all of their accrued personal sick time. In order to access days from the pool, a staff member submits a written request. Please contact the Sick Day Pool chair for more information.
To administer the faculty sick pool, two executive board members of the faculty, selected by a vote of the executive board, along with the Council president are charged with the role of trustees for the sick day pool. They oversee the bank of days in the sick day pool and meet with Administration to approve requests for sick days.
To administer the PSRP sick pool, three executive board members that are PSRP, selected by the vote of the executive board, along with the Council president are charged with the role of trustees for the sick day pool. They oversee the bank of days in the sick day pool and meets with Administration to approve requests for sick days.
Special Education Advisory
"The Special Education Advisory Committee will be composed of the Assistant Superintendent of Student Services, two (2) Principals or designees, the Union President or designee, and two (2) special education teachers chosen by the Union President (one from each campus). The Special Education Advisory Committee will meet at minimum twice per school year to discuss district practices related to caseload, IEP practices, and other items related to the delivery of Special Education Services. "
*Any quotes in the committee descriptions come from the current Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the Board and the Union.
*See the aforementioned CBA and Leyden Council Constitution & Bylaws for more information on the specified authority of these committees.